Agenda 2030 and sustainable tourism, what is it about? And why is it necessary? The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program for people, the planet, and prosperity. It is a global action framework signed by 193 UN member states, aimed with 17 goals to lay the foundations for an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable world. Europe and therefore Italy are signatories to this program, which must be implemented by 2030. Every country in the world is required to provide its contribution to facing these major challenges towards a sustainable path, developing its own National Sustainable Development Strategy. In Italy, the 'Benessere Italia' Steering Committee has been established, the body of the Presidency of the Council responsible for 'coordinating, monitoring, measuring, and improving the policies of all Ministries in the name of citizens’ well-being'. Creating a system capable of combining the production of goods and services with environmental protection concerns all of us living on this beautiful planet called Earth. As tourism operators and travelers, we are responsible for the impact our trips have on the planet, and we have a duty to promote only sustainable solutions. This model is our future, our commitment to future generations. In every tour and travel experience that we promote with Wild Boar Islands, we have tried to encourage sustainability of the environment and local communities, collaborating with authentic and responsible realities. For tourism to contribute to sustainable development, a fundamental transformation of tourism itself is essential and urgent. We strongly encourage you, whether you are a tourist, a tourism operator, a policy maker, or a host community, to contribute to the transformation of tourism. Future generations will judge us by our actions: NOW IS THE TIME TO CHANGE. Sustainable tourism: Tourism that fully considers its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the sector, the environment, and host communities. 'World Tourism Organization, 2005'. Tourism that is economically and socially sustainable without depleting the environment and local culture. 'European Commission, 2003'. Tourism that respects both the local population and the traveler, cultural heritage, and the environment. 'UNESCO, 2010'. With sustainable tourism, sociocultural and environmental impacts are neither permanent nor irreversible. 'Beech & Chadwick, The Business of Tourism Management, 2006, p. 560'. A document addressing the impact of tourism in Europe. Our promise is to design tours and experiences with the awareness that we are responsible for safeguarding the environment, the land, and local communities. We approach service providers and personally select only those who embrace this project and share the protection and preservation of the territory and the love for the environment. We look forward to sharing this choice with you, a choice that can no longer be postponed. WILD BOAR ISLANDS DMC SARDINIA

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Welcome to the Wild Boar Islands blog, our space for those who love traveling consciously. Through articles and stories, we share ideas, destinations, and tips for tourism that respects the environment and local communities. Our experience, built on years of travel passion, is reflected here, where we promote the discovery of authentic places and sustainable experiences. Join us on this journey, where every step is taken with respect for the world around us.